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If you are a manager of a facility, you know that it is no easy task. As a facility manager, there is a lot on your schedule and it seems like your responsibilities are endless, and let’s be honest, commercial carpet cleaning isn’t something that is at the top of your to-do list. With budgets for unplanned maintenance and other factors, it is understandable why some managers choose to push back carpet cleaning for their facility.

However, ignoring carpet cleaning can lead to poor indoor air quality, the risk of stains and wear, and it can lead to early, and sometimes costly, carpet replacement. Carpeting in commercial buildings brings many benefits, but if the carpet isn’t maintained properly it can end up causing costly damages, hurt the business’s image, and just look unappealing to employees, customers, clients, and guests. Carpeting for your business is a huge investment, why waste it? Keep your building looking its best, check out some of the top reasons your business should not put off professional commercial carpet cleaning.


Improved Appearance

Carpeting plays an important role in the overall appearance of a commercial building. Having spots, wear, and stains on carpeting can detract from the overall image of a facility. Leaving these spots and stains unattended can end up leadings to permanent damage as well as attract more dirt. To have your business’s carpet looking its best and have an increased lifespan, it best to get it cleaned by a professional carpet cleaning service, as this will protect your commercial carpet from damage in addition to protecting your business’s overall image and reputation. Having fresh, clean carpeting in your facility creates a positive impression and influences the overall appearance of a facility.


Positive Employee Perception

If your facility is filthy and unorganized, your employees will behave differently than they would if they were working in a clean, well-maintained facility. Filthy carpet is easily noticed by employees and guests and often impacts their overall perception of the facility and the manager. An organized workplace with clean carpets may set a higher standard for employees and cause a clean and productive work environment. On the other hand, dirty carpeting may send the message that mediocre work is acceptable.


Protected Warranty

When most facilities purchase commercial carpeting, the warranties for the carpeting require regular carpet cleaning. Most carpet manufacturers will require documented yearly, and sometimes twice yearly, commercial carpet cleaning. Carpet fibers can become worn from dirt and grit settling in, and as mentioned earlier, allowing stains to sit in can cause permanent damage which will likely lead to a voided warranty. If you have one, be sure to always check your facility’s carpet warranty to assure that the carpeting is receiving the care it needs to stay within the guidelines set by the manufacturer.


Clean and Fresh Facility

If the carpeting in your business looks bad, chances are it doesn’t smell great either. Delaying regular carpet maintenance allows the carpeting to catch and hold dirt, bacteria, pollutants, and more.  This will eventually lead to the carpet to smell, and cause your facility to be filled with an unpleasant aroma. Having a regular carpet cleaning will not only cause the carpet to smell better, but it will create a healthier environment for the facility.


Investment Protection

As we mentioned at the beginning of the blog, commercial carpeting for your business or facility is a large investment. And, if you are a facility manager, you are most likely responsible for getting the most out of the building’s assets while tracking expenses. Even though commercial carpet cleaning is an expense, it costs far less than carpet replacement and it will improve the usable lifespan of the carpet, saving you money in the end.


Improved Air Quality

Speaking of a healthier facility environment, carpet can act as an air filter as it often catches pollutants, allergens, and other particulate matter, trapping them deep in the fibers. Dirty carpeting can bring a wide range of health risks, and some of the allergens that are trapped in the carpet fibers can trigger allergic reactions. Commercial carpeting must be cleaned regularly to look good and smell fresh. Carpet maintenance and cleaning can help reduce the threat of allergens, giving your facility’s occupants and guests improved and cleaner air quality.


Don’t Wait, Contact Classic Commercial Today!

Don’t put off commercial carpet cleaning too long, especially when it comes with many benefits for a facility or business. Not only does clean and fresh carpet improve the appearance and the overall air quality of a facility, it can also protect your investment and warranty and send the right message to employees and guests.

If you are in need of a professional commercial carpet cleaning service, contact Classic Commercial. Our team uses state of the art, innovative, and proven carpet cleaning techniques and technology to ensure that your commercial carpeting is cleaned properly. To schedule a cleaning or to receive more information, contact the experts at Classic Commercial Services.